Why is my white acrylic paint turning pink? Reasons with Solutions

Welcome to this informative blog. If you are facing trouble from an unexpected color-changing issue in which acrylic paint turns into a pinkish shade then this blog is for you.

This blog aims to provide a guide and solution to “Why is your white acrylic paint turning pink?”.  We will also cover some questions and significant points as well at the end of the blog.

Let’s start!

Why is your white acrylic paint turning pink?

Your white acrylic paint is turning pink due to exposure to light, chemical reactions, pigment quality, incompatible mixing, humidity and moisture, and Shelf life. 

Here are some reasons behind tunning white acrylic paint into pink:

  • Due to exposure to light
  • Chemical reaction
  • Quality of pigments
  • Incompatible mixing
  • Humidity and moisture
  • Shelf life 

Table of Contents

To understand these common causes, we may have to go deeper into the topic where we will elaborate on every cause clearly. Here are the explanations of these causes in detail:

Due to exposure to light

There is a usual reason for the transformation of color which is the exploration of light. With the passage of time, white acrylic painting comes in artificial light or natural light which causes a white acrylic color to take a pinkish color.

Because some pigments in the paint like titanium dioxide react when coming in contact with light and cause a chemical reaction it becomes a cause of changing color.

The chemical reaction in acrylic paint

A chemical reaction in acrylic paint is also a cause of transformation from normal to pinkish appearance. A polluted environment contains dust and dirt that react with paint particles to form a chemical reaction that is highly responsible for the change in paint’s color.

For example, if your painting is lying in a populated environment then dust particles can react with the white acrylic paint and change its color. 

Read Also: Why is your acrylic paint flaky?

Quality of pigments

If you are making a painting with acrylic paints, you just need to use artistic-grade acrylic paints to achieve better quality. In white acrylic paint, the quality of the pigments plays an important role that maintaining the original appearance after drying.

Less or low-quality acrylic paint contains less stable pigments as well as impurities. They can contribute to the transformation into a pinkish color.

Incompatible mixing

Mixing different colours and different pigments is also a reason for the pinkish appearance. Mixing of some colors can perform negatively and lead to changing color unexpectedly over time.

Using a white acrylic color with a mix of pink or red pigment can cause a pinkish color.

Humidity and moisture

Humidity is a main and important issue in the paintings not only acrylics but also other techniques as well. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. 

High-level humidity or moisture is a cause of the transformation of color. The reason is that they both affect the composition of the acrylic paint and contribute to the changing color.

Which issues arise due to humidity also? Read here

Shelf life

The age of the paint is also a main cause of changing color. Every painting changes its composition and qualities for the time being and shows negative results. You may have noticed that older acrylic paintings always have cracks and dull appearance that need to be restored with the passage of time.

 So, the shelf life is also a major cause that contributes to the pinkish appearance. If the pinkish colour arises due to the shelf life then it is better to remove the older varnish and revarnish the painting.


Here are some solutions to avoid the pinkish appearance of acrylic paints.

  •  Use high-quality acrylic paints 
  • Store the paints properly 
  • Save the paints from light Exposure
  • Inspect for Contaminants
  • Check the expiry date of the paint 
  • Mindful Color Mixing 

Firstly, invest in high-quality paints that are stable in pigments and have less risk of color changing. Secondly, store your acrylic paints properly. Make sure your paint tubes are securely sealed and put them in a cool and dry storage box. Keep them away from direct sunlight or artificial light.

When you are mixing a color, be careful with incompatible combinations which could lead to changing color. Also, make sure the environment is clean or free from any dirt or humidity.

By following these guidelines, you can gain the results that you want and can control the issue of color changing.

Why do acrylic paints change color?

Acrylic paints change their color due to some factors which lead to trouble and artists face the issue. The first reason is the sensitivity of pigments like titanium dioxide mostly used in white acrylic paint. If you put it under sunlight or artificial light the chemical reaction starts in the pigments resulting in the changing of the paint’s original color.

 Secondly, the environment can also affect color change such as high moisture or high humidity can also contribute to color change.

Lastly, using poor quality or student-grade acrylic paints can also lead to color change.

Does acrylic paint change color over time?

Yes, acrylic paint can change color over time but it does not mean they completely change their colors. Some pigments which are used in acrylic paint can only cause color change. These pigments include Phthalo Blue, Naples Yellow, Quinacridone Magenta, Alizarin Crimson, Certain Greens, and Violets.

Note: Most of pigments change color due to the exposure of sunlight. 

low-quality paints, Due to exposure to light, A chemical reaction in acrylic paint, Quality of pigments, Incompatible mixing, Humidity, moisture, and Shelf life all contribute to the change of color over time.

What color makes pink paint?

The pink color is made by mixing red and white colors but for the bright and vibrant pink add more red color and mix. On the other side adding a large amount of white paint will cause a lighter, pastel pink. Mix the colors slowly and blend them in depth to create a smooth hue. 

Why does acrylic paint look different when it is in the tube?

Acrylic paint looks different in the tube as compared to its appearance on the canvas due to some reasons. The strong pigments and additives in the tube make the colors darker as well as more intense. However, when you spread them on the canvas with a brush and add some water or acrylic medium, the paint loses its texture. This process is also known as thinning of the paint.

The color of the canvas and the underlying layers also affect the final results. However, some colors of acrylic paint look darker after drying such as Ultramarine Blue, Raw Umber, Phthalo Green, Burnt Sienna, Payne’s Gray, and Indigo.

Does paint quality make the acrylic paint piano?

Yes, quality plays an important role in the painting. High-quality acrylic paints show less fade when exposed to light over time and they also do a better in coverage with more consistency. Premium-grade acrylics contain the fine ground of pigments when you apply a smooth application as well as more vibrant colors

On the other hand, low-quality acrylic paints contain impurities, and low pigment concentration, with no good results. The paint quality can also affect the texture of the paint, viscosity, and handling which can affect the artistic work.

Why does beige paint look pink?

Beige paint looks like paint because of a combination of pigments that are used to create the color. Beige is a neutral color that is created by mixing brown, yellow, and white pigments.

Additionally, the colors of the objects surrounding and lighting conditions influence the color. In some lighting, the existence of cool or warm light emphasizes the pinkish tone. To avoid this issue, must choose a balanced pigment of beige.


Which brand’s acrylic paints work well?

1. Golden Artistic Colors
2. Liquitex
3. Winsor &Newton
4. Blick’s Artists’Acrlyics
5. M.Graham & Co
6. Sennelier
7. DecoArt Americana
8. Grumbacher
9. Daler Rowney
10. Schmincke

Is priming responsible for turning the white acrylic into pink?

No, priming is not only responsible for turning the white acrylic into pink. Primer is used in preparing steps where a layer of the primer is on the surface or canvas and then the acrylic paint is on the surface.
Other factors contribute to turning the white acrylic paint into pink like pigment quality, incompatible mixing, humidity and moisture, and Shelf life. 

Final Words

Your white acrylic paint is turning pink due to exposure to light, chemical reactions, pigment quality, incompatible mixing, humidity and moisture, and Shelf life. The solution to solve this problem includes Using high-quality acrylic paints, Proper storage, Saving from light Exposure, inspecting for contaminants, checking the expiry date of the paint, and mindful Color Mixing. 

We hope this blog will be helpful in solving the issue of turning acrylic paint into a pink color after drying. 

If you are interested to read more please check the links below. Thanks!

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